Founding Document
I. Mission
The Alliance of Nonprofit News Outlets (ANNO) is a network of nonprofit news outlets dedicated to facilitating constant communication between its member-outlets on issues of the day of mutual interest, sharing ideas for joint activities inside and outside of ANNO, and encouraging funders in every available forum to put more money into local and regional nonprofit journalism on an ongoing basis for the long haul—with a special focus on helping smaller news outlets.
II. Structure
ANNO is open to all independent news outlets published by a nonprofit organization or as a project of a nonprofit organization. Prospective member-outlets with the appropriate qualifications may join ANNO by simply asking any current ANNO member-outlet to join. The new ANNO member-outlet will then be added to the main ANNO email list and any other ANNO shared communications infrastructure.
Each ANNO member-outlet gets one vote in all ANNO decision-making processes. All decisions made in the name of ANNO require a majority vote of current member-outlets.
ANNO has no dues, no staff, no board, and no office—only the shared infrastructure needed to expedite constant communication between its members.
All member-outlets are empowered to represent ANNO in furtherance of its mission, but only in ways that will not cause harm to any other member-outlet/s.
Any activity outside the mandate of the ANNO mission must be done outside of ANNO and cannot be done in ANNO’s name, though member-outlets are welcome to use ANNO’s shared communications infrastructure as a launchpad for new nonprofit journalism-related initiatives.
ANNO will exist only as long as it has members interested in working together to fulfill its mission.
ANNO member-outlets may modify this founding document at any time by a majority vote of current member-outlets.
III. Management of Shared Communications Infrastructure
One member-outlet will be responsible for managing ANNO’s shared communications infrastructure—which will consist of a single email list hosted on Google Groups for free and a shared blog called the ANNOtator at the outset. It will also be responsible for keeping the ANNO current member-outlet list up-to-date.
Any other communications platform that members decide will be useful can be added at any time by mutual agreement of ANNO member-outlets.
Any costs for shared communications infrastructure may only be taken on by ANNO if member-outlets agree to donate necessary funds to the shared communications infrastructure managing member-outlet for that purpose.
The shared communications infrastructure managing member-outlet can pass its duties on to another member-outlet by mutual agreement at any time.
Any organization managing ANNO’s shared communications infrastructure remains an ANNO member-outlet and has no special title, privilege, or power within ANNO.
The initial shared communications infrastructure managing member-outlet will be the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism.
IV. Disciplinary Action
Any ANNO member-outlet that is accused of causing harm to any other member-outlet may have disciplinary action—up to and including suspension or expulsion—taken against it by a majority vote of current member-outlets.
However, ANNO member-outlets are encouraged to always strive to keep the best interests of the alliance first and foremost in their minds and avoid taking such action unless absolutely necessary by fostering a culture of always talking things out before doing anything rash that they might later regret.
ANNO Member-Outlets
American Witness (DC)
Boston Compass Newspaper (MA)*
Civil Eats (NAT’L)*
East Greenwich News (RI)*
East Lansing Info (MI)*
ecoRI News* (RI)
FairPlanet (INT’L)
InDepthNH.org* (NH)
Montague Reporter (MA)
NancyonNorwalk (CT)*
New Narratives (INT’L)*
NowKalamazoo (MI)
PeekskillHerald.com (NY)*
Pelham Examiner (NY)
Retraction Watch (NAT’L)
Solitary Watch (NAT’L)
The Alameda Post (CA)*
The Amarillo Tribune (TX)
The Austin Bulldog (TX)
The Berkshire Argus (MA)
The Daily Catch (NY)*
The Frame (MA)
The Lens (LA)*
The Local News (MA)
The Providence Eye (RI)
The Rapidian (MI)
The Revelator (NAT’L)
The Shoestring (MA)*
The Sopris Sun (CO)*
The Vallejo Sun (CA)
The Xylom (NAT’L)
VoxPopuli (FL)*
Worcester Sucks and I Love It/Worcester Community Media Foundation (MA)
YourArlington.com (MA)
*Founding Member-Outlet